Coming Soon

3 Titles

Books that are in the process of being published by PELD. Once they are completed, they can be consulted in the "releases" section and within the catalogue.

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Petrofísica: Fundamentos, Interpretação e Aplicação na Indústria do Petróleo

Ana Paula Barroso de Albuquerque, Antonio Carlos de Freitas Nascimento, Bruno Tosta Bittencourt, Tiago de Bittencourt Rossi (Editor de volume)
May 20, 2024
As grandes descobertas do pré-sal no Atlântico Sul.

As grandes descobertas do pré-sal no Atlântico Sul

Anderson A. Pinheiro Chagas (Editor de volume); Carlos César de Araújo, Luiz Alberto Santos (Autor)
May 20, 2024